Our All Services
Coating for Refractory Kilns
Specialized external coating in the refractory kilns which indicates the inner damages of the Kiln. Apart, we do all types of blanketing for refractory kilns.
Load testing in marine industries
Load testing in marine industries - Vessel cranes of all types can be load tested using water bags. MARABEE has extensive experience load testing the following types of vessel cranes:
- Knuckle Boom Cranes
- Cargo Cranes on Bulk Carriers
- Cargo Cranes on Container Ships
- Provision Cranes
- Engine Room and Workshop Cranes
- Hose Handling Cranes on Oil Tankers
- Derrick Barge Cranes
- Deepwater Service Vessel Cranes
- General Use Deck Cranes

HRSG – Wall baffle installations (Heat recovery steam generators) & maintenance
CEMS (Continues Emission Monitoring) – Integration & Installation services

Corrosion management & maintenance
Corrosion management & maintenance - We believe in combining knowledge of inspection and corrosion to build one system to manage both inspection activities and the activities related to the material and corrosion discipline; which is often called the Total Corrosion & Inspection Management System. This means that MARABEE is involved in all aspects of an asset’s lifecycle, including everything from topside, to subsea and onshore.
An important part of the total system is risk analyses. Risk based inspection (RBI) analysis gives you the optimal schedule to inspect in the right locations at the right time. An optimal condition control focuses on systems and areas with high probability for failure, and where the consequences of a failure are high
RO Plant AMC
RO Plant AMC – Periodic replacement of all types of RO filters in the RO plant

Industrial Electrical maintenance including Cable tray Installations
Industrial Electrical maintenance including Cable tray Installations – Complete industrial electrical maintenance including installation of cable trays, cable pulling, communication cable pulling & installations.
Industrial Mechanical maintenance
Industrial Mechanical maintenance – Compressor trouble shooting, pump alignments, pipe rack & shoes installation, spool maintenance along with add on installations